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《玩轉音樂劇》Laurent Ban專題報導

《渡平臺》在分享各式各樣藝術與表演藝術之間的大小知識中,曾經很正式的探討過何謂表演藝術,也用輕鬆的影音分享了京劇的鑼鼓點與當代舞蹈小教室。四月份在《玩轉音樂劇》專欄第一部影片中特別提到的了一般觀眾經常無法分辨歌劇與音樂劇之間的差別,也分享音樂劇的三種常用唱腔,緊接著我們也訪問到有豐富演出經驗的法語音樂劇歌手Laurent Ban,請他來和渡平臺的大家分享他的演出經驗與看法。

What’s performing art to you?

Performing arts are plurial ! The best way to touch, link, share, mix the soul and the spirit of an artist with the spirit and the soul of the audience, through many vessels...technics, emotions...

對您來說表演藝術是什麼呢? 表演藝術非常有趣,是一種多元的、複合型態的藝術!


What’s the difference between Opera and Musical?

Opera and musical are following different rules very specific. There is a way to write and opera, and there are many ways to write musicals.



Can you talk about the characteristics of French musical?

French musicals are more composed as radio style create some hits, not especially integrated to the story. A few part is dedicated for the libretto.... totally the inverse of the Broadway style... where the music and the songs deserve the story... the acting is also more important.



With many years’ experience on musical, concert, and teaching people how to perform, we see your perfect skill, how do you keep improving yourself when you are already a well experienced artist?

Inever stop to learn... I am thirsty of learning... on stage but also in life ! I am proud when, at night, at the end of each day, I learned something more.... so, I have many challenge to reach and many obstacles to pass...



We know that you’re not only an artist in theater but also with amazing drawing skill, have you thought about combining all your talent into a project? can you Imagine how to do?

I always use all my aptitudes in my projects... that’s why I do musicals... on my project « dangerous » I used every ones of them... I draw the storyboard, i sang, played, danced, make up, hair, dressings, directing ... I participated to every details...



我在《 dangerous 》這個作品裡,將我的所學全部融合。包含自己畫分鏡圖,然後我唱歌、演出、跳舞、化妝、髮型設計、服裝,甚至導演,所有的細節我都親自參與。

As an actor, what is the fascination in musical to you?

As i sais, musicals uses all your skills... and I was dreaming awake when I saw my first musicals ... it was a way to escape to the hard reality



You try to sing in diffère languages, there is even a Chinese album, it’s kind of culture crossing, how do you feel when you singing in different languages? For example, what’s the difference between French and Chinese when it comes to pronunciation?

(Pronunciation or other you feeling )

Iam still curious... learning and singing in a different language help you to understand better and read the soul of another culture ... languages are music for me.. it’s like learning a new song.... and I love to explore and feel the sensations of new sounds through my body...



Comment je peux devenir une chanteuse de spectacle comme toi? (法文,因為Laurent在四月七日臺北演唱會上提到小時候他曾經問過一位音樂劇歌手這個問題)

to become a musical singer ? Curiosity, hard work and passion... and team spirit ...



訪談中提到表演藝術是一種非常多元的、複合型態的藝術形式,並且在音樂劇與歌劇的創作上給了小小的分界點,就是音樂劇並不追尋一種固定的規則,而法語音樂劇與百老匯音樂劇的區隔可以從音樂及表演性來區分,另外,在專業上想要更精進自我能力必須要有無限的學習渴望與熱情,以上,相信在各個領域中,都是對專業人員最好的建議與鼓勵,謝謝Laurent Ban配合採訪。 這是Laurent在內容中提到的Dangerous影片連結

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